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How can I Import Rosters into iScore?

The Admin Website allows adding players to a team from an Excel spreadsheet. Here are the steps to create rosters in the Admin Website.

First, make sure your Admin Website is set up by going to the Options screen in iScore on your device and tapping Admin Website. Once it's set up you will see the customer ID and password there. Then use the following steps:

  1. First, do an Options -> Export from your device to send your data to our servers.
  2. Go to
  3. Log in with your Customer ID and password.
  4. Select your team in the dropdown next to the Add Team button (you can also click the Add Team button to create a new team, give the team a name and click Save).
  5. Click the Roster tab in the upper center of the screen.
  6. Click the pencil + paper icon in the upper right corner of the roster to "edit" the roster
  7. Click the "Add New" to add players individually, or click "Add Multiple" button in the upper center of the screen.
  8. If you clicked "Add Multiple" and you have your list of players in Excel, you can copy and paste from Excel. Arrange your columns in Excel in the right order as seen on the instructions for the Adding Multiple players, copy/paste into the edit area, and click "Add Batch"
  9. Click Save in upper right
  10. Do an Options -> Import on your device to retrieve your updates back to the device.
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