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How do I Share Data with Other Devices?

Data Sharing can be used to transfer games and teams between devices and to keep the data in sync between devices over the course of the season.

How do I share data?

For iOS data transfers, you can use Bluetooth to transfer data between devices that are running the same version of iScore .

You also have the ability to transfer data over the Internet. Your device will show the options available by going to Options->Data Sharing from with iScore.

How do I share data using Bluetooth (iOS only)?

To share data over Bluetooth (no internet required), you set one device to "Get via Bluetooth", and the other to "Send via Bluetooth". The two devices will then use the built in connection interface to find each other and establish a connection. (Yes, this can be slow. We do not control this --- it is a built in feature of the iPhone SDK.) Once the connection is established, the device that is "getting" data will see a list of all Games and Teams that are on the remote device, but have not already been transferred to the local device. You can select a team that you want to transfer to your device, and it will then ask you to "map" the data to your local device. Mapping is the process of either saying the teams should be brought in as "New" teams on your device, or that the teams already exist on your device, and you choose which teams to map to. If you select a team from your device to map to, iScore will do it's best attempt to map the players from the remote team to the same players on your team. You have the option of overriding anything that iScore selects at this stage. Once everything is "mapped" the way you want, let iScore do the transfer, and you will have the remote team(s) and/or game that you wanted to transfer.

How do I share data over the internet?

On the device you want to retrieve data from, make sure you have Exported the data to the iScore servers (Options->Export from within iScore), and be sure you have set your Admin Password (Options->Admin Website). Now you can pull data in from that device. Select Options->Data Sharing->Get from Web Database. iScore will then ask for the Customer ID and Password of the database you want to get data from. This can be seen on the Options->Admin Website screen of the remote device. Enter this information, and iScore will then step you through the same steps as described in the Bluetooth section above.

Why do I have to map my teams/players?

Mapping allows you to continue keeping cumulative statistics even if games are scored from another device. If each device had independently created the teams and rosters, then their are internal identifiers for each team and player that are different on the two devices. Mapping allows you to say which teams or players on your device are the same as teams or players on the device you are getting data from. If you are getting data for a team that you do not already have on your device, then you can just leave the "New" selection, and new players/teams are created on your device to match the remote players/teams.

Once data mapping has been done for a team between devices, you will not need to do it again. The next time you import data from the remote device, iScore will recognize that you have already mapped the players/teams, and not require you to do it again.

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