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How can I get the stats that iScore collects into MaxPreps?

From a computer, follow these steps:
  1. Log in to the Admin Website ( using the information found under Options -> Admin Website in iScore.
  2. Click the Games tab in the row of tabs right below the iScore logo
  3. Click the red down arrow next to your team on the row of the game you want the stats for. It will start a download of a file called "stats.txt". Save it to your computer

You will then log in to the MaxPreps site and upload the file you just downloaded to their site. This should be the following steps:
  1. Log into your admin account on the MaxPreps website
  2. From your team home page, select the Stats page
  3. Click Enter/Edit Stats for the game you would like to import iScore data
  4. Scroll to the section where you can upload a .txt file and select the file you saved in the steps above

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