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How can I make edits after a game if I made a mistake while scoring?

You have a few options:
  1. You can go to Game Manager, select the game, select Pitch by Pitch, and tap the pitches where you need to make edits. You can change how base runners advanced, change hits to errors and vice versa, enter missed subsitutions or correct an invalid lineup, etc.

  2. If the change you require can not be done in the Pitch by Pitch, you can use Undo back to the point in the game where you made the mistake (even after the game is over), and then rescore from that point forward.

  3. You can edit the Stats directly by going to Game Manager, selecting the game, selecting Batting Stats, then tapping on the fields you want to override and enter the new value. Bold fields are calculated from other fields, and can not be edited directly. However, editing the non-bold fields that comprise a calculated field will update the calculated field. You do not need to press the Recalc button because stats are automatically recalculated when you make your changes. You can add notes to the pitch by pitch for anyone reading along in the pitch by pitch or play by play to tell them what really happened.

  4. You can rescore the complete game. This is not as hard as it sounds. If you have the Scorecard and Play by Play visible while rescoring the game, you can enter it very fast, and it is good practice as well.


If I had the wrong player in the game, how can I edit the starting lineup after the games is over?

Go to Game Manager, select the game, tap Pitch by Pitch, tap the "Game Starts" event, tap Edit next to Starting Lineup, and edit the starting lineup as necessary. Stats will automatically be updated based on your starting lineup edits.

I missed a substition during the game, how can I fix that?

Go to Game Manager, select the game, tap Pitch by Pitch, scroll to the pitch where the substitution should have occurred, and tap that pitch. Then tap Edit next to "Substitutes" and make the adjustment.

I accidentally scored a runner that should not have scored, can I fix that?

Go to Game Manager, select the game, tap Pitch by Pitch, scroll to the pitch where the runner scored, and tap that pitch. Tap the event where the runner actually scored, and then tap "Run Not Scored". (You can change it back to the runner scored by using one of the other options for how the runner advanced to home.)

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