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How do I delete a game?

First, be sure you really do want to delete a game. A single song on your device is equivalent to 20-40 games in iScore, so it takes very little storage to keep the games forever. You can use Leagues to organize your games better if you are just trying to hide the data (see Managing Leagues for more information on using leagues (and be sure to check the link back to the Forum from there for even more information).

Assuming you do still want to delete a game, here is how you do it:

  • On iPhone, iPod, or iPad, go to Game Manager, select the game, then select the Trash Can icon in the bottom right corner to delete the game
  • On Android, we followed the conventions of that platform for deleting items from lists. Go to Game Manager, press and hold the row with the game you want to delete, and a context menu will appear with the option to delete the game

    NOTE: Deleting a game will also delete all statistics for that game from your device so be sure that is what you want to do.

    If you want to delete the game from the iScorecast servers, see this link: Delete Game from iScorecast Server

    If you have a Team Website and/or want to update your Admin Website, be sure to do an Options -> Export after deleting the game to send your data up to the iScore servers.

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